Tour Dates

The Rex Theater
Wildcat Tavern
The Sanctuary
The Narrows Center
Me & Thee Coffeehouse
The Sounding Board
The Park Theater
The Iron Horse
Jonathan’s Ogunquit
The Flying Goose Brew Pub & Grill
Courthouse Center
Natick Center For The Arts

The Duo

About the Duo:
Jon Pousette-Dart captained the Pousette-Dart Band through four albums for Capitol Records between 1976 and 1980, a run that acquainted a generation with his formidable gifts as a singer, songwriter, arranger, guitarist and all-around musical adventurer. During this time, the Pousette-Dart Band became one of the busiest touring groups in the U.S., working with such acts as the Byrds, Bonnie Raitt, Little Feat, James Taylor, Yes, the J. Geils Band, Eddie Money, Peter Frampton, Journey and Billy Joel, to name a few.
“When things got scary – as the seventies petered out and the eighties skulked in,”Pousette-Dart muses, “while folks were trying to figure out how they ever got stuck in the position of having to choose between Donna Summer and Johnny Rotten, the original Pousette-Dart Band did what any halfway moral, responsible band would do – we took a break.” Pousette-Dart, himself, however, kept on trucking.
After the original band parted ways, Jon continued working and slowly began navigating back to where he started writing and recording in earnest with many of Nashville’s finest. Some twenty odd years ago Jon met Jim Chapdelaine one of the more formidable musicians he crossed paths with. As Jon continued touring as their musical collaboration continued to brew into a satisfying vital musical landscape of it’s own.
Turn the clock ahead some years and a few questions might be asked.
What do two left handed guitar players and the combined experience of rummaging around the music business since the early 1970’s equal?
It could equal a squalid path of broken dreams, less than half paid mortgages, multiple marriages, many junked cars, and closets full of suitcases of clothes with the indelible after scent of Marlboro’s and Budweiser’s ground into the sinews of years in dark dressing rooms contained in gin joints where the holy grail and graduation degree was 5 sets a night till closing time.
The scattered joy in producing moments of pure musical ecstasy, intermingled with financial panic and steady diet of sleepless nights in Holiday Inn’s crisscrossing America’s heartland, which as it turned out led to two kindred souls who by fate and good fortune discovered they could weave musical tapestry that spoke to all those that heard without a word being said between them.

And so it came to be.
Monsignor Pousette-Dart and Senor Chapdelaine discovered they shared a gift both in the studio and on the stage that rose above the hum drum drudgery of day to day existence, and were able to reach into people’s souls and pull out pieces of magic that created joy and fresh air, no matter which roads or towns their journeys took them. While Jon and Jim love working as a DUO they are known to include some of their most treasured friends in varied performances.
And now as fate would have it, they have a renewed passion and vigor to explore the world of flats, sharps, repeats, words and crescendos to make small babies smile and precious mothers relax into their easy chairs and remember all the good that the world holds.
Men too.
So, no matter your predilections, or worries or concerns in your everyday life, consider taking a moment to breath, and buy a ticket when they come to your town.
It’s something to seriously consider to see and hear where little pieces of joy come to life.
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